Emilio Cordoba
Posicion: ArquerosFecha Nacimiento:21 de agosto de 1995Lugar Nacimiento:Buenos AiresNacionalidad:ArgentinoAltura:1,95Peso:95Debut:Banfield 0- Boca 2 Campeonato 2016/17 (11-3-2017)
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Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Add a title or tagline
Explain a set of product features, add illustrations, infographics, logo lists, or link to pages.
Cuerpo tecnico

Ernesto pineda
Director Técnico
Daniel Pinto
Director Deportivo
Asitente Tecnico
Gerente de Campo